Image © Peter Suart
The objects we encounter when very young play a large role in shaping our visual vocabulary and our taste in colour and form. This taste can be developed or over-ridden in adulthood, but it often remains potent, particularly in the life of a visual artist. A doll, a bicycle, an ornament can become talismanic in a most mysterious way, as does the Rosebud sledge in the film Citizen Kane. These are the sensory impressions that shape us as we emerge from the self-world of the infant into the distinguished self and world of the child.
In this slide talk Peter Suart will look at objects, images and people from his childhood in Hong Kong in the 60s and 70s - coloured children's building blocks and a blind musician in the Botanical Gardens - and relate stories associated with them. For this event, Suart has especially created illustrations of these objects, and has arranged them in a grid game.