If your child needs to sit an entrance exam to gain admission into a UK boarding or an overseas school, we can administer the entrance exams in Hong Kong. We also administer exams for Independent Schools Exams Board (ISEB) and UKiset.


Entrance exams for UK schools, Independent Schools Exams Board (ISEB) and UKiset

If your child is planning to study in a UK school, the entrance exams will be his/her first UK educational experience. At British Council Hong Kong, we offer exams for a wide range of UK schools and institutions. 

We also provide invigilation services for the Common Entrance Exams by ISEB and UKiset. Contact UK schools, ISEB or UKiset, then book an exam with us. 

For UKiset registration, please complete this online form:


How do you register for your child?

  • Inform the boarding school that your child would like the entrance exam to be administered at British Council Hong Kong.
  • Once the boarding school has given their confirmation of the school application, submit an exam request form along with your payment to us.
  • We will contact you when we receive the exam materials.

How much does it cost?

Our exam fees cover venue hire, invigilation charges, secure storage of question papers and scripts, and courier charges.

Each exam session lasts no more than three hours; candidates can sit more than one paper in an exam session. If the exam duration is more than three hours, it will be counted as two exam sessions. 

 Exam Paper(s)  Monday to Friday (10am- 6pm)
First Session (no more than 3 hours including break time between papers HK$2,100
Each additional session on the same day HK$1,680

Exam fee for UKiset is paid directly to UKiset.

Special arrangements

In most cases you will need to contact your examining board or university directly for a special need request. The examining board will contact the British Council about the arrangements and will inform you about the approval of your request. 

You can contact us for a special need request if you have registered with us for your exam. You will need to provide a medical certificate issued within the last two years at the time of registration.