Ardi Marwan (印尼Politeknik Negeri Pontianak)
Examining Pre-Service English Teachers’ English Proficiency Using Aptis Test: A Longitudinal Study at Two Teacher Training Colleges in the Province of West Kalimantan, Indonesia.
陳穎 (中國海洋大學)
Exploring Chinese EFL test-takers' audience awareness in the Aptis writing test: Multiple perspectives
程俊瑜 (中國東南大學)
The contribution of phonological and orthographic vocabulary size on L2 listening and reading.
Wonkey Lee (韓國Seoul National University of Education)
A content validation of the Aptis for Teachers with reference to the TEE accreditation criteria in Korea: A customisation effort.
唐錦蘭 (中國北京外國語大學)
Assessment for learning: using Aptis as a diagnostic assessment tool in the EFL classroom.
Yumiko Moore (英國University of Bedfordshire)
Investigating the cognitive constructs measured by Aptis Writing Test in the Japanese context: a case study.
Zheng Ying (英國University of Southampton)
Aptis in China: Exploring Stakeholders’ Perceptions of its Validity and Practicality.