社交媒體充斥著各類標題為 “30 movies you should watch before the age of 50” (30 套 50 歲前應該看一次的電影) 或 “Things you should never say to your boss” (你絕對不應該對老闆說的話) 的影片。這類提供建議的貼文,廣受歡迎 — 但值得注意的是,這些貼文都使用了英語情態動詞 should 來提供建議。我們會在這篇網誌聚焦於英語情態動詞 should 的用法,為您提供更多有關英語語法的實用建議。
請在繼續閱讀之前,先參考以下另一項有用建議。您應該 (should) 考慮報讀成人英語課程!如此一來,就可以向教師提問並即時獲得解答,任何棘手的語法問題都能迎刃而解,令學習更快上手。成人英語課程請見此處
我們會使用 should 給予建議
我們會在幾種不同情況下使用英語情態動詞 should,而且亦會在提供建議時經常用到這個動詞:
If you often get headaches, you should go to the doctor. (如果你經常頭痛,你應該去看醫生。)
If you want to improve your English, you should take English classes. (如果你想提高英語水平,你應該報讀英語班。)
我們亦可以使用 should 來提出意見。
Education should be free for everyone. (每個人都應該享有免費教育。)
I feel women should not be paid less than men for doing the same job. (我認為女性不應該與男性同工不同酬。)
我們會使用 should 作出推測
我們亦可以使用 should 作出推測,以談論我們認為將會發生的事情:
Where’s Joe? (Joe 在哪裡?)
He finishes work at 6 p.m. today, so he should be here soon. (他今天 6 點下班,應該很快就到。)
The party on Saturday should be good – let’s go together! (星期六的派對應該很有趣,我們一起去吧!)
I should have told her I loved her. (早知道就應該向她示愛的。)(我那時沒有告訴她,而現在我感到傷心)
FangFang should not have sent that email yesterday, when she was angry (芳芳昨天不應該因一時憤怒而發出那封電郵) (我已送出電郵,而那做法並不好)
有關 'should' 一詞的英語語法規則
Should 是情態動詞,因此與英語中其他情態動詞的規則相同。
情態動詞後面在任何情況下都不會加入 to,而是加入原形動詞 (即不附帶 to 的不定式)
You should study more if you want to pass that exam. ✓
You should to study more if you want to pass that exam x
should 的否定式是 is should not.。但除非想特別強調語氣,否則較少會用到 should not。流利的英語使用者更常使用其縮寫 shouldn’t。
You shouldn’t listen to what James says -- he’s often wrong
You definitely should not let the children play near the river (強調語氣)
我們亦可以在問句中使用 should 。在肯定問句中, should 通常用作詢問某個做法是否可取;在否定問句中,則一般用作確認我們的想法。
Should I turn off the lights? (這是個好主意嗎/您是否想我關燈?)
Shouldn’t you have finished by now? (你不是早該就完成了嗎?)
如果想使用情態動詞來談論過去,請使用情態動詞 + have + 過去分詞的句式。
Jingshu should have listened to me.
Andi shouldn’t have eaten the last cake -- it was for his brother.
有時候,我們也會使用縮寫來談論過去。我們可以將 should have 縮短為 should’ve:
Jen should’ve listened to me when I told her about the job advertisement.
動詞 should 的替代表達方式
您可以在條件句中使用 should,讓語氣顯得更加正式。比較以下兩個句子:
If you want to cancel the holiday, please let us know within 7 days.
Should you want to cancel the holiday, please inform us within 7 days. (更為正式)
兩句意思相同,但第二句使用了 should,讓人感覺更正式。這種將 should 倒置的用法常見於合同或網站的條款及細則。
2.提出強烈建議時,您可以使用 must instead of should.這樣做可以加強語氣。
If you have flu for more than a week, you should go to the doctor. (建議 — 這是個好主意)
If you have flu for more than a week, you must go to the doctor. (更強烈的建議 — 看醫生是必要的)
3.情態動詞 ought to 是 should 的另一種替代表達方式:
Jess should be a singer -- she has an amazing voice!
Jess ought to be a singer -- she has an amazing voice!
另外兩種替代表達方式分別為 had better and ought to,用作談論現在或未來的情況,尤其是表示我們認為某件事如果不做,就會帶來負面後果。 Had Better 通常會縮寫為 I'd better, you'd better, he'd better:
I should leave now, before it starts snowing.
I’d better leave now, before it starts snowing.
I ought to leave now, before it starts snowing.
英語中還有其他使用 should. 的常見表達方式。例如,當您送禮物給某人時,您可能會聽到對方說 "Thank you, you shouldn't have!".您乍聽下可能會以為對方不領情,但其實這只是人們表達禮貌的一種方式。
當有人請求幫忙時,常見的回應是 "That shouldn't be a problem",,意思是 That’s fine. I can do it。
Can you buy milk later?
That shouldn’t be a problem.(Yes, I will do it)
使用英語情態動詞 should 的常見錯誤
1. 一個常見的錯誤是忘記英語情態動詞後面在任何情況下都不會加入 to:
I should to spend more time reading English books. x
I should spend more time reading English books.✓
2.有時候,人們會不清楚何時該使用 must、何時該使用 should。
以上兩者都可以用作給予建議,但 must 和 mustn't 專指非做不可或不能做的事情,有規則或法律的意味。相反,should 和 should't 用作表達某個做法是否可取。使用正確的動詞,可以讓人知道某件事是規則所限,還是單純的建議。
You shouldn’t smoke in the cinema. x
You mustn't smoke in the cinema ✓ (這是被禁止的)
You should wear a seatbelt when you drive. x
You must wear a seatbelt when you drive.✓ (這是法律)
3.說英語時可能較難聽見英語動詞 had better 中的 'd,但寫作時不可省略。
You better not tell Mr Tan about what you did! x
You’d better not tell Mr Tan about what you did!✓
使用動詞 'should' 的著名歌曲
在流行文化中不難找到使用 'should' 的例子,當中包括社交媒體上的網誌貼文和提供建議的影片。
您亦會在披頭四樂隊的歌曲 Hard Day’s Night,中聽到這句歌詞:“it’s been a hard day’s night, I should be sleeping like a log”
The Clash 於 1981 年面世的熱門歌曲《Should I Stay or Should I Go?》是另一部經典搖滾名曲。
請找出下列句子中的錯誤並加以修正 (答案在下方)
- Kerry shouldn’t to spend so much time on social media
- Jon shouldn’t said that to his boss -- now he will have to find a new job.
- You shouldn’t talk during the exam.
- Crystal will better rest her ankle until she is recovered.
- Should you be in bed now? It’s past midnight!
- Kerry shouldn’t spend so much time on social media
- Jon shouldn’t have said that to his boss - now he will have to find a new job.
- You mustn’t talk during the exam.(如果這是一個建議,可以說 shouldn't。但「考試中不許說話」是一條規則。這意味著最好使用 mustn't)
- Crystal had better rest her ankle until she is recovered.
- Shouldn’t you be in bed now? It’s past midnight!