By Colm

2025 年 2 月 21 日 PM04:12

Hongkong man and woman discuss English vocabulary lessons at the British Council Library


  1. Tomorrow, I’m having a barbecue with friends. 
  2. I think Brazil will win the next World Cup.   


英語中有各種語法結構可以用來表達對未來的構想。要找出合適的結構,首先要問自己:我是否肯定這件事一定會發生?在上述例子中,例句 1 所描述的是具體的計劃。"Tomorrow, I am having a barbeque with friends."談論這類具體計劃時,我們會使用現在進行式。 
例句 2 所描述的是出於個人觀點的預測,可能會發生,亦可能不會發生,我們不得而知。談論這類沒有把握的猜想時,我們會使用情態動詞 'will',又名簡單未來式。因此,我們會說 I think Brazil will win the next World Cup.   



Grammar Structure 

Sample English sentence 

When to use it 

Present Continuous 

(subject + “to be” + gerund) 

Next week, I’m travelling to Thailand for a short holiday. 

To express a very concrete plan for the future (often used to talk about arrangements in the near future) 

Present Simple 

(subject + base verb ; add “-s” or “-es” to base verb after the subjects he/she/it) 

My flight arrives in Bangkok at 11a.m. next Monday. 

To talk about an action or event which forms part of a future timetable 

“going to” 

(subject + “to be” + “going to” + base verb) 

• I’m going to eat healthy food in Thailand. 


• My weather app says that the temperature is going to be very hot in Thailand. 


• To express a plan or an intention for the future.You do not need to provide evidence – it’s just an idea! 


• You can also use this grammar structure to express a prediction about the future, that is based on evidence 

“will” (Future Simple) 

(subject + will + base verb) 

I think I will need GPS to find my way around Bangkok. 

To express your opinion about the future.Because it’s an opinion, and may not have evidence, this structure is commonly used with expressions of doubt like “I think”, “maybe” or “perhaps” *   

* 簡單未來式還有其他用途,常用於表達承諾,例如:(“I will phone you later”) or, “I’ll phone you later”. 
例如:"Don't worry, I'll help you to paint your house"  
例如:‘Oh no, the supermarket is closed!I can’t buy food to cook.I'll have to get a take-away for dinner' 


您可以在否定句中使用 “will”。有兩種可行的方法,"will not". 是較正統的用法,但更多人會選擇使用 'will not', which is 'won't'. 的縮寫。 
‘The Ministry report states that the economy will not recover by next year.’  
‘If I don’t have enough money, maybe I won’t go on holidays next summer’. 

情態動詞 "will" 亦可以構成另外兩種未來時態。未來進行式表示將會在未來某個時間點發生的動作。 
‘ This time tomorrow, I will be giving a presentation at work to 100 people!’ 
(structure:subject + will + be + gerund). 
'By the end of next year, I will have finished my Masters degree.' 
(structure:subject + will + have + past participle). 

如何使用'to be'英語語法結構來談論未來

用英語談論未來時,您亦可以使用帶有動詞結構 "to be". 的短語。以下圖表顯示了如何使用這種結構,表達即將發生或將於未來不同時間發生的事情。 


Sample sentence 

When to use it 

To be about to 

(subject + “to be” + about to + base verb) 

Ed Sheeran is about to release his new album. 

To express an action which is going to happen very soon 

To be due to 

(subject + “to be” + due to + base verb) 


Ed Sheeran is due to release his new album next summer. 

To express an action which we expect to happen at a certain time in the future 

To be likely to 

(subject + “to be” + likely to + base verb) 

His new album is likely to have huge commercial success. 

To express an action/situation which will probably happen at some point in the future, but we’re not sure when 

談論未來:3 種常見的英語語法錯誤  

英語學生使用 “going to” 時經常會遺漏動詞 “to be”:  


Scientists say this summer is going the hottest ever.✗ 

Scientists say that this summer is going to be the hottest ever.✓  

濫用簡單未來式的情況亦很常見。嘗試表達對未來的想法時,成年英語學生往往會不假思索地使用 "will" 一詞,但這個用法並不適用於某些情況,例如有具體計劃或正在談論已安排好時間的事件時: 

My aunt will be retire next month.✗ 

My aunt is retiring next month.✓  
“My aunt is going to retire next month”.)✓ 

另一個常見的錯誤,是在不需要時加入 'will' 一詞。在英語中,與時間相關的表達方式後面會緊接使用現在式,例如 when, once, until and after,並不需要加入 'will': 

I’ll turn off the radio when this song will finish.✗ 

I’ll turn off the radio when this song finishes.✓   


喜歡著名電視劇和書籍系列 'Game of Thrones' 的人,肯定會對這句耳熟能詳的台詞不陌生:"Winter is coming".。這句話旨在警告維斯特洛的人民,要他們為即將到來的劫難做好準備。句子中用上英語的現在進行式語法結構,以強調這場未來之災無可避免。   

"See You Again" 是 YouTube 史上最受歡迎的歌曲之一,由說唱歌手 Wiz Khalifa 演唱,並由 Charlie Puth 參與演出。作為《玩命關頭》電影系列第 7 部作品的配樂,這首歌於 2015 年發行,旨在致敬在電影拍攝完不久後因車禍去世的演員 Paul Walker。說唱歌手 Wiz Khalifa 一邊想像自己在來世與好友 Paul 重逢,一邊唱道: "I'll tell you all about it when I see you again".。 



  1. I will meet my friend at 7 o’clock this evening. 
  2. Tim going to visit his brother this weekend. 
  3. This time next year, I will live in Berlin. 
  4. Mia is about to sell her house in the next five years. 
  5. I think I’m likely pass my driving test next week. 
  6. After the movie will finish, I’ll meet you in front of the cinema. 
  7. Aisha wants to study medicine when she is going to go to university. 


  1. I am meeting my friend at 7 o’clock this evening.(or “I am going to meet …”) 
  2. Tim is going to visit his brother this weekend. 
  3. This time next year, I will be living in Berlin. 
  4. Mia is due to sell her house in the next five years.(or “Mia is going to sell …”) 
  5. I think I’m likely to pass my driving test next week. 
  6. After the movie finishes, I’ll meet you in front of the cinema. 
  7. Aisha wants to study medicine when she goes to university.