Over 2 million people took exams with the British Council last year. We offer a wide range of exams, from English tests to school and business qualifications, in more than 140 countries worldwide. We connect people worldwide with learning opportunities and creative ideas from the academic and business world.
Exams Customer Service Hotline
In order for us to best serve you, we have a dedicated Exams Customer Service Hotline. For exams-related enquiries, our opening hours are as follows:
Monday - Friday | 10.00 − 18.30 |
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays | Closed |
Tel: +852 26329800
E-mail: examinations@britishcouncil.org.hk
We ask for your patience as it may take a longer amount of time to reach our customer services team via the phone. Please do not contact us in multiple channels. You may also find answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding IELTS exam via Facebook messenger at IELTS British Council Hong Kong.