以香港知專設計學院和英國University of Lincoln的線上展覽,慶祝多元化、多元社會的多樣性,了解可持續性、以人為本的設計。

香港知專設計學院 - 島嶼縈迴的線上論壇已於SPARK 2021線上項目期間舉行,請點撃下方連結重溫節目:

日期 時間 活動
2021年10月21日 (星期四) 香港時間 :下午6時30分至晚上8時

聯乘研討會:《城市未來:人 · 傳意 · 建築》及《島嶼縈迴: 構建以人為本建築及多元社會》



英國時間: 早上10時30分至中午12時

《島嶼縈迴: 構建以人為本建築及多元社會》將以島嶼為主題,展出一系列建築設計方案旨在探討圍繞香港的城市發展議題,如文化保育、社會共融、環保、疫後社區等議題,展示建築對於保育、提升及塑造一個城市的重要角色,同時把人的需要及持續發展置於首要考慮。 

展覽的建築理念強調以建築保護、改善和塑造城市建築環境方面等重要作用,展品包括高質量繪圖、3D 視覺效果、渲染圖和實體模型,以將展示建築如何構建多元社會,同時讓大眾更關注持續發展及以人為本的設計。 

節目類別: 線上展覽及座談會 

平台: 網頁(線上展覽)及 Zoom (座談會) 

適合年齡: 12歲或以上 

主題: 社群公益 


About Island Peripheries 

Island Peripheries - Towards a people-centric architecture and pluralistic urban communities is to showcase an exemplar selection of architectural projects that have been looking at providing creative solutions to real world issues (e.g. heritage preservation, social inclusion, environmental protection, post-pandemic community) in and around Hong Kong.  Projects of this exhibition have been authored by students of BA (Hons) Architecture of the Top-Up Degree programme co-delivered by HKDI and the University of Lincoln, UK.  

Watch video for details. 

5 projects: 


Orient is a labour regeneration project in response to the rising unemployment rate during the pandemic. The project takes the opportunity to revitalise the traditional pearl industry by cooperating with local art and craft businesses in Tai Po. Watch video 1 & video 2 for details. 

Entertainment Hub 

The Entertainment Hub is essential to the Covid-19 pandemic. The re-planning and design of the unused urban area provide extended public space for the Kwun Tong community. Watch video for details. 

The Honest Pavilion 

The Honest Pavilion is a new typology of architecture comprising a job centre, mental therapy facilities, co-working space, and the park. The design tries to utilise a natural open space above the service reservoir and create a relaxing and non-institutional environment for the residents who have lost their jobs because of the pandemic. Watch video 1 & video 2 for details. 

Fenceless Green Village  

The Fenceless Green Village is an organic hub with a mix of community farming, education, and recreational spaces that promotes agriculture, strengthens the community, and eases the mental pressure of people during the pandemic. Watch video for details.

Eat in Moderation 

While the market is a reflection of our food culture nowadays, the linkage between ‘food’ and ‘season’ seems to be disconnected due to greenhouse and industrial farming. Eat in Moderation refers to a community about local farm vegetables, Chinese medicine, and farm-to-table restaurants would help to re-promote and educate people to eat in moderation and in a healthier way. Watch video 1 & video 2 for details. 

About the Symposium 

Cities worldwide of different cultural backgrounds face similar issues – dealing with aging districts, over population, climate change and gentrification. How can communities be engaged and be benefitted in order to sustain. What are the means of social engagement through design, to identify and tackle the problems in urbanity? Watch our symposium hosted by academics from HKDI and the University of Lincoln in UK. 

About Hong Kong Design Institute 

Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) has established partnerships with over 40 universities and design institutions from around the world, to enrich students' learning experience. The diverse collaborative projects with our overseas academic partners prepare our students to face the world’s interconnected, global challenges while cultivating their international, multi-faceted perspectives and approaches, and understanding of ever-changing global issues.