Thursday 07 December 2017

British Council Launches English Master Junior 2018 

Inter-school English competition to inspire primary students’ creativity and greater enthusiasm for English language learning

The British Council, in partnership with the Posties section of the South China Morning Post, is launching its first-ever inter-school English competition ─ English Master Junior 2018 ─ for all primary students in Hong Kong. Through creative writing, poetry reading, and performance, the competition aims to develop students’ all-round English skills, as well as developing their creativity, their critical thinking skills and their ability to collaborate with others. The competition is open for entry until 12 January 2018. 

‘We believe having fun while doing activities in English can inspire young learners and help develop the whole child. Apart from building language capabilities, the English Master Junior competition encourages students to be creative and learn from their peers as they work together as a team. These skills are crucial for students’ learning and personal development in the long run’, said Mhairi-Anne Gonzalez, Director of English Language Services, British Council, Hong Kong.  ‘I’m looking forward to seeing some extraordinary performances in the competition.’ 

All primary students in Hong Kong are eligible to participate in English Master Junior 2018, and each team competes in either the Lower Primary (P1 – P3) group or the Upper Primary (P4 – P6) group. Each school can send more than one team to take part in the competition, and each team should have four students. The competition consists of three rounds. In the first round, Lower Primary teams will write their unique Christmastime stories based on the pictures provided, while Upper Primary teams will also have to use their imagination to create their own endings to the stories they write. From each group, 20 teams will be selected to enter the second round of the competition. In the second round, each team will recite an assigned poem, also performing their own dramatic interpretation of the poem to accompany their reading. Students can also make use of costumes and props to enrich their performances. 

The competition’s grand final will be held on 22 April 2018, and five teams from each group will compete to be the champions and be recognised as English Masters. Each team will prepare a five-minute performance of a story based on an assigned topic. The performance may involve storytelling, drama or singing. The three best-performing teams will each be awarded a trophy, and will also receive additional prizes as described below:



A certificate, HK$1,000 worth of book vouchers and a free British Council summer course for each student

1st Runner-up


A certificate, HK$500 worth of book vouchers and a HK$1,500 British Council summer course voucher for each student

2nd Runner-up


A certificate, HK$200 worth of book vouchers and an HK$800 British Council summer course voucher for each student

Photo link:

For more information, contact Mavis Ma (Communications Manager) on +852 2913 5260 or; Daphne Ho (Assistant Manager, Communications) on +852 2913 5266 or


About the British Council

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We work with over 100 countries in the fields of arts and culture, English language, education and civil society. Last year we reached over 65 million people directly and 731 million people overall including online, broadcasts and publications. We make a positive contribution to the countries we work with – changing lives by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust. Founded in 1934 we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body. We receive 15 per cent core funding grant from the UK government.