Teacher gives personalised feedback to student in IELTS mock test 1-to-1 course

(Academic and General Training Modules)

Get the most authentic exam experience in Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading with our mock exam. You will receive 90 minutes of one-to-one speaking exam practice, personalised post-written exam feedback, and help from our IELTS experts on how to improve your performance in all the key areas of the exam. 

Mock exam arrangement:

Day 1 Day 2
Listening (30 minutes)

Speaking + Written exam feedback 

(1 hour 30 minutes)

Reading (1 hour)
Writing (1 hour)


Course levels 

No level requirement for IELTS Mock 1-to-1. 


Your study options 

The IELTS Mock 1-to-1 consists of 4 hours of exam practice and feedback. 

Please refer to the timetable at the bottom of this page.