The British Council is a global leading exam administrator. We administer internationally recognised exams on behalf of professional bodies in UK and overseas countries. We guarantee high standards of exam administration, confidentiality and security of your exam papers and results.


DELTA Module One

What is DELTA Module 1 examination?

DELTA Module 1 (Understanding Language, Methodology and Resources for Teaching) is a written examination which includes two 90-minute written papers with a 30-minute break between. It focuses on the background to teaching and learning English in a range of contexts.

Context areas:

•Theoretical perspectives on language acquisition and language teaching

•Different teaching approaches and methodologies, including current developments

•Language systems and learners' linguistic problems

•Language skills and learner’s problems 

•Knowledge of resources, materials and reference sources for language learning

•Key assessment concepts and terminology 

How to register

Please download and complete the exam request form (DELTA Module 1) and return the form to us :

Email:             Send a scanned form to:  

Exam date

We offer DELTA Module 1 written examination at our Hong Kong centre. Please refer to the test dates below and their registration deadlines.

• Test Date:

5 Jun 2024 (Registration closing date 19 April 2024 by 12 noon HK time)


What is MJDF?

Run by the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons, the MJDF is the UK’s most popular postgraduate dental examination with over 1,800 people taking the MJDF examination in 2014.  

What do MJDF examinations involve? 

In order to pass the MJDF you must sit and pass two separate examinations; the Part 1 and Part 2 exams.

MJDF Part 1 

The Part 1 examination consists of 150 multiple choice questions designed to assess your knowledge and applied knowledge. The Part 1 examination is a single paper of 3 hours’ duration.

MJDF Part 2 

The Part 2 examination is a test of your professional skills and knowledge in a more practical environment. The exam comprises 14 stations of which 11 are examined and 3 are preparatory stations. The Part 2 exam is approximately 3 hours in duration.

You will not be examined on anything that is outside of the scope of day-to-day general dental practice.

Please note: The MJDF Part 2 exam is currently only available in the UK at this time.  

Why should I take MJDF examinations?

The MJDF is run by The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS). Upon successfully passing the MJDF you can choose to become a member of the RCS and its two dental Faculties. That means you get dedicated support on primary care dentistry from the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK), as well as support on entering and practising in secondary care from the Faculty of Dental Surgery. 

No other Royal College offers a package of support to rival that provided by the dental faculties at The Royal College of Surgeons.

How can I register?

(1) Visit the MJDF website:

(2) To apply online visit:

(3) Email the Royal College of Surgeons:

Do you organise examinations for people with disabilities?

We do our best to cater for any reasonable adjustments on the exam day.

Any candidate who has special requirements should inform the Royal College of Surgeons of England at the time of application. 

For further information visit: 



What is MRCP (UK)?

MRCP(UK) offers the following postgraduate medical qualifications for doctors who are preparing for higher specialist training on behalf of  the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the Royal College of Physicians of London. 

  • MRCP(UK) Diploma 
  • 12 Specialty Certificate Examinations (SCEs)

The MRCP(UK) examinations play an essential role in the overall educational experience and continuing professional development of physicians in the UK and internationally.

The Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians (UK) Diploma is required for physicians wishing to undergo training in a medically-related specialty in the UK.

The Specialty Certificate Examinations (SCEs) are an opportunity to measure your knowledge against an internationally recognised benchmark, which represents the breadth and depth of knowledge required of a newly qualified specialist in your chosen discipline. These are a requirement in the UK for specialist physicians. 

What do MRCP (UK) examinations involve?

The MRCP(UK) Diploma tests the skills, knowledge and behaviour of doctors in training. It involves three examinations: 

  • Part 1 consists of two three-hour multiple-choice question papers covering knowledge and understanding of the clinical sciences
  • Part 2 Written consists of three three-hour multiple-choice question papers covering diagnosis, investigation, management and prognosis of patients
  • Part 2 Clinical Examination (PACES) involves a series of five clinical stations, each assessed by two independent examiners

In the UK, the MRCP(UK) Diploma is usually taken during the two-year period of general professional training (GPT) in medicine after you have registered with the UK General Medical Council. 

The SCEs consists of 2 three-hour multiple-choice question papers delivered through computer-based testing throughout the world. Please visit the MRCP(UK) website for a list of specialties and further details.

Why should I take MRCP (UK) exams?

The MRCP(UK) is recognised as an entry qualification into higher specialist training for doctors wishing to become specialist registrars. 

How can I register?

You need to apply online at the MRCP(UK) website. To find out how, visit MRCP(UK)’s Online Examination Services web page.

When are the exams and how much do they cost?

Do you organise exams for people with disabilities?

We do our best to cater for any reasonable adjustments on the exam day.

Any candidate who has a physical disability, specific learning disability, long term medical condition or any other special need that they believe could affect their performance in an examination may be entitled to reasonable adjustments. All such candidates should inform the MRCP(UK) of this at the time of each application, by indicating this in the ‘special arrangements’ area of the application form, whereupon they will be contacted by the relevant MRCP(UK) office.


Other Professional Exams

We run on-demand service for various professional exams. We can accommodate your needs as per your institution’s request.

Some of the boards we work with are:

•Association of Average Adjusters (AAA)

•Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFA) 

•Institute of Financial Services (IFS)

•Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS)

•Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) 

•National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH)

How do you register?

  • Get in touch with your institution and register for your exam with them. 
  • Complete the exam request form and return it to us. We will contact your institution when we receive your exam request.

Exam timetable

Exams are normally held at the time specified by the institutions. Neither British Council nor candidates has the authority to alter the exam time.

How much does it cost?

The exam fee covers the receipt, safe-keeping and return of the examination papers, provision of an examination room, invigilation and provision of laptops for computer-based tests. Please note that exam fee does not include fees charged by the exam board. Please contact exam board to discuss exam board fee accordingly.

If exam fee is responsible by exam board/ institution, we will contact the exam board/ institution to settle the exam payment.

If exam fee is responsible by candidate, please complete the exam request form and return to us for exam registration.

Exam Paper(s)

Monday – Friday (10am-6pm) 

First Session (no more than 3 hours including break time between papers)


Each additional session on the same day







Special arrangements

In most cases you will need to contact your examining board or university directly for a special need request. The examining board will contact the British Council about the arrangements and will inform you about the approval of your request. 

You can contact us for a special need request if you have registered with us for your exam. You will need to provide a medical certificate issued within the last two years at the time of registration.

External links