For frequently asked questions, please click below.
Frequently asked questions for potential creative partners
1. What requirements are there of UK-Hong Kong partnerships at SPARK festival?
2. Do you have to be an arts organisation to submit a proposal?
3. Are there any regional restrictions on who can submit a proposal to SPARK?
4. Will schools be considered as eligible to participate at SPARK?
5. What expectations are there of creative partners to meet the themes of SPARK?
6. Is there any budget provided for the creative proposals?
7. Does the event have to take place within 20-23 October? Can it be a week earlier or later due to availability of artists/partners?
8. What attendance tracking and evaluation measures will be in place for the event? How will the British Council measure impact?
9. What platform(s) will be used for the event and will they be accessible to participants outside the UK and Hong Kong?
10. Will there be any conference-style events, seminars or talks in SPARK festival?
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