Thank you for registering for the IELTS Preparation (CEF) Demo Class. We have received your registration. If your registration is successful, we will contact you about the event details through e-mail and/or SMS on or before 21 March 2025. Please add the event to your calendar. If you do not receive any confirmation e-mail or SMS, your seat cannot be arranged on the day, unfortunately.
The IELTS Preparation (CEF) Demo Class will be cancelled if Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above, Red Rainstorm Warning Signal or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is still in force two hours before the event. Please check our website on event day for details.
IELTS Preparation (CEF) is open for registration, please visit our website for details. Should you have any questions, please contact our Customer Services Centre on 2632 9800 or