Event Title: Nature in the City
Who: Dr Jacek Ludwig Scarso, The Cass, London Metropolitan University
Theme: Creative Cities
Genre: Multimedia arts workshop and talk
Location: Meet at A Hall Studio
Age group: 16+
Registration required: Yes
Date | Time | Register |
18/01/2019 | 12.00-13.30 | Click here to register |
20/01/2019 | 13.30-15.00 | Click here to register |
Why do we need natural spaces in a city? From gardens and parks, to rivers and the sea, how do we interact with nature in an urban environment?
In this workshop, London-based artist Jacek Ludwig Scarso will share creative ways to be inspired by nature and the city. Set outdoors at Tai Kwun, participants will use video, photography, creative writing and sketches to respond to the theme of nature in the city. Learn to combine different creative skills and to observe and be inspired by the environment that surrounds you. Jacek is also a Senior Lecturer in Theatre and Film at The Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design, London Metropolitan University.
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